Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My grandkids are the cutest! Yes, they are...

Anna wrote about Siutaisa, her almost 3 year old recently...

Monday we took the kids to the temple and after we were done I went into the car with Jaxon and Nisi (cause I can't bear the cold!) and Sione took Taisa to the waterfall at the Conference Center so they could throw pennies.

Sione: Throw your penny and make a wish!
Taisa: What?
Sione: Make a wish means what do you want?
Taisa: I want to go potty.

1 comment:

Sefa said...

This is Fanua, but I already posted a comment on here. It was about Naki not being on here...mmm hmm, I see how it is :)

Naki loves his Christmas present by the way! When I let him play with it, it's pretty entertaining! :)

Love you!